Beli Manastir

In June 2010, Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor indicted[1] Zoran Vuksic, Slobodan Strigic, Branko Hrnjak and Velimir Bertic, members of the MOI Unit „Beli Manastir“, for conducting illegal arrests and detentions, injuries to bodily integrity, intimidations, torture and inhumane treatment of civilians during the period from August 1991 until the end of 1991 in Beli Manastir municipality in Croatia. The defendant Vuksic was accused for shooting and killing of Adam Baric and for attempted murder of his wife A.B. Defendants Vuksic, Strigic and Hrnjak were accused of killing Mato Cicak, Ivan Cicak, Vinko Cicak and Ante Cicak.

In June 2012, in the first instance decision, the High Court in Belgrade sentenced Zoran Vuksic to 20 years imprisonment, Slobodan Strigic to 10 years imprisonment, Branko Hrnjak to 5 year imprisonment and Velimir Bertic to 1,5 years imprisonment.

In March 2013, the Court of Appeal in Belgrade quashed the first instance decision against the defendants Vuksic, Strigic and Hrnjak and returned the case to the first instance trial. In relation to the accused Bertic, the Court upheld the first instance verdict.

In May 2015, after the retrial, the High Court declared guilty and sentenced Zoran Vuksic to imprisonment of 20 years, Slobodan Strigic to imprisonment of 15 and Branko Hrnjak to imprisonment of 5 years. The judgment is not yet final.


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