
Occasional Publications

The library ‘Occasional Publications’ is the most comprehensive. The books published as part of this collection are the product of project activities undertaken by the Centre, from its establishment in 1995 to today. ‘Occasional Publications’ includes books translated into Serbian that directly or indirectly relate to human rights and books that Centre published in co-operation with other foreign or local partners. Collections of articles and handbooks that Centre uses as seminars’ material are also part of this library.

Крок за кроком до власного бізнесу для біженців – Посібник

Посібник з початку власного бізнесу призначений передусім для біженців, шукачів притулку та осіб із наданим тимчасовим захистом у Республіці Сербія, а також для всіх, хто хоче спробувати себе в підприємництві. Посібник створений у рамках проєкту «Крок за кроком до власного бізнесу для біженців», у межах програми підтримки публічного адвокації #PokretPolet, яку реалізує фонд Trag за […]

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Rainbow Migration Network Brochure

RMN – Rainbow Migration Network brochures provide essential information about civil society organizations and the services they offer to LGBTI individuals. The brochures are available in Serbian, English, French, Arabic, Persian, and Russian, and starting this year, also in Spanish and Ukrainian. The Belgrade Center for Human Rights coordinates RMN – a network of 16 […]

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The Rights of Women and Girls During the Induced Abortion Procedure

Author: PhD Jelena Simić, Faculty of Law, Union University in Belgrade

The BCHR presents the analysis “The Rights of Women and Girls During the Induced Abortion Procedure”. The analysis focuses on current procedures and practices in healthcare institutions in the Republic of Serbia, offering specific recommendations aimed at improving practices and the position of patients.

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Occasional Publications

Analiza kapaciteta službi za pomoć i podršku žrtvama i svedocima krivičnih dela u Srbiji: izazovi i preporuke

Autor: Goran Sandić Stručna recezentkinja: Radmila Dragičević Dičić

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Series Human Rights

Poštovanje zabrane vraćanja (principa non-refoulement) u postupcima izručenja u Srbiji od 2017. do 2021. godine

Autori: Vladica Ilić, Sanja Radivojević, Petar Vidosavljević

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