Anonymous Hatred

1 November 2017 – 31 October 2018    

Donor: Open Society Foundation, Serbia

The objective of the “Anonymous Hatred” project is to raise the awareness of expert and general public about the span of hate speech as a form of discrimination, on informative Internet portals and social networks, as well as formulating proposals for improving existing mechanisms for determining the responsibility and punishment policy for hate speech.

During 12 months, the Belgrade Center for Human Rights, in cooperation with the New Media Center LIBER, will undertake activities that are divided into three groups.

The first group of activities envisages gathering information on hate speech and initiating appropriate protection mechanisms. Because of the necessity of informing the public and the need for them to actively engage in the fight against the negative consequences of spreading extremist attitudes and ideologies, a web portal has been opened dedicated to the problems of discrimination, in particular the hate speech on the Internet.

The second group of activities encompasses establishing cooperation with the relevant institutions that are responsible for combating hate speech and analyzing their practices.

The third group is focused on drafting a document containing recommendations for improving the punishment policy for hate speech on the Internet, as it is precisely that the policy of impunity (i.e. the lack of clear regulatory measures) and the lack of public awareness of the possible consequences of spreading hate speech and extremist ideas in the online sphere contribute to the strengthening of the disastrous and harmful values ​​in the Serbian society.

The realization of the project “Anonymous Hatred” is supported by the Open Society Foundation, Serbia.

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