Crimes and Punishment in the Minds of People – the Internalisation of the ICTY Legacy

September 2010 – March 2012

Donor: UK Secretary for the State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affaires

Belgrade Center for Human Rights is implementing two year project focused on improvement of knowledge and change of attitudes towards the ICTY and war crimes among different stakeholders.
Trough great variety of activities project is targeting both expert and general public. BCHR will produce and distribute publication aimed at tackling a number of stereotypes and misconceptions among general public about the ICTY and war crimes issues, publication will be printed and distributed to all relevant stakeholders – ministers, members of parliament, scholars, prosecutors, judges, journalists, media editors, students, and will be made available in electronic form at the websites of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and the OSCE Mission to Serbia.BCHR will conduct public opinion polls in B&H and Croatia, firsts of this kind. Results of this survey will be presented at three conferences (in Serbia, B&H and Croatia). The participants at these events will be local ministers of justice, judges and prosecutors, scholars (at conferences both local and international), attorneys, journalists, NGO activists and students. Conferences will mainly be focused on the ICTY legacy and its contribution to international law.

During the two year period vast number of media coverage in mainstream printed and electronic media (Politika, Vreme, Pescanik, E-novine) will be published.

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Occasional Publications

Analiza kapaciteta službi za pomoć i podršku žrtvama i svedocima krivičnih dela u Srbiji: izazovi i preporuke

Autor: Goran Sandić Stručna recezentkinja: Radmila Dragičević Dičić

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Series Human Rights

Poštovanje zabrane vraćanja (principa non-refoulement) u postupcima izručenja u Srbiji od 2017. do 2021. godine

Autori: Vladica Ilić, Sanja Radivojević, Petar Vidosavljević

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