International Law for Judges and Legal Practitioners in Serbia

January 2004 – June 2005

Donor: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and UK Department for International Development (DIFID)

Introduction of the modern international law to the legal practitioners in Serbia through the publication of the Manuel (Textbook) and seminars for the target group was one of the major objectives of the project. Also, objective of the project was to influence legal practitioners and members of the judiciary to understand modern international law, its tendencies and development so they can implement it in their work and to apply international law in the legal practice of Serbia. Dissemination of the idea and contents of modern international law through the Manuel and its influence in the sense of modernizing and updating the knowledge and practice of the members of legal profession was additional objective. The draft content of Manual (Textbook) was discussed with the members of Association of Judges of Serbia and the Judicial Training Centre. They agree that all important subjects were included in the draft content of the Manual. This cooperation additionally approved already very well cooperation of three organisations.

Production of the Manuel on International Public Law as an outcome of the project helped to meet the other objective which was to discuss and examine the problems and obstacles which can arise from the implementation of the Manuel and generally international law standards in legal practitioner’s work. That was the reason for organising four seminars for the legal professionals.

Discussion on the Textbook on Public International Law Manual for Practitioners were organised as follows:

  1. October, 21 – 24, 2004, Belgrade, hotel Palace
    Regional expert: Prof. Zoran Pajić, King’s College, London
  2. October, 28 – 31, 2004, Belgrade, hotel Majestic
    Regional expert: Prof. Mitija Žagar, University of Ljubljana
  3. November, 11 – 14, 2004 Belgrade, hotel Majestic
    Regional expert: Dr. Milan Sahovic, former Director of the Institute for International Political and Economic Relations
  4. December, 16 – 19, 2004 Belgrade, hotel Majestic
    Discussion on the Textbook on Public International Law Manual for Practitioners
    Regional expert: Prof. Joseph Marko, University of Graz

Interactive discussions during the seminars expended the purpose of this activity giving the additional benefit to the project: not only that the participants were interested to hear about the international law, they also had chance to talk and share experiences with their counterparts, international and national experts.

The Textbook is now days used as university book in few faculties in Serbia and Montenegro and as material for the educational activities of the Centre.

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