Retraining Lawyers in Transition Countries of Southeast Europe

April 2005 – April 2006

Donor: Norwegian People Aid

Partner organisations in this project are: the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the Centre for Human Rights of the University in Sarajevo, the Human Rights Action Montenegro and FORUM-Centre for Strategic Research and Documentation from Macedonia.

In 2005 six seminars were organised throughout the region. The participating organisations have reached 193 beneficiaries from the region. Majority of them were judges, prosecutors and deputy prosecutors, court advisors and judicial associates, but also attorneys and others (representatives of international organizations and NGOs, ministries, ombudsperson offices, etc.).Two general eight day training courses for 70 legal professionals from Macedonia and four advanced four-day thematic seminars, with around 30 regional participants each. 70 legal professionals from Macedonia were introduced to the basic human rights and humanitarian law standards.

More than 100 beneficiaries from the region trained in more specific topics in the area of human rights and enabled to disseminate knowledge. The new workshop on assessing the information resources in electronic form and applying them effectively in the courts practice was introduced. Human rights training programme in the region was assessed, human rights teaching methods discussed and needs of members of judiciary and their associations were identified.

Project web page has been updated and maintained during the whole project in five languages (Bosnian, Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian and English). The web page provides information about the project since its beginning (programs, lists of participants, materials and documents) but also other information relevant for the human rights practitioners, links to the most useful web pages dealing with human rights issues and links to the partner organizations.

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