December 2015 – December 2016
Donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade
The ultimate goal of the project was to improve the status of refugees in Serbia by providing them with legal assistance and by monitoring whether Serbian asylum policy is meeting international human rights standards.
The project enabled the BCHR to engage more lawyers and enhance their capacities for providing free legal assistance and adequate legal aid in judicial and administrative proceedings. Project team undergo eight trainings on administrative procedure, protection of unaccompanied children, the ECtHR practice, strategic litigation, credibility assessment in the asylum procedure, representing asylum seekers before the Constitutional Court of Serbia, integration of refugees and the examples of good practice in this field, and protection of human rights of refugees. Trainings were conducted by eminent professionals in these fields.
Autorka: Nevena Dičić Kostić
Autor: Goran Sandić Stručna recezentkinja: Radmila Dragičević Dičić
Urednica Nevena Trofymenko
Editors: Dusan Pokuševski, Vesna Petrović
Urednici: Dušan Pokuševski, Vesna Petrović
Editor: Ana Trifunovic
Author: PhD Jelena Simić, Faculty of Law, Union University in Belgrade
autorka: prof. dr Jelena Simić
Editor Ana Trifunović
Urednica: Ana Trifunović
Urednica: Nevena Trofymenko
Editor: Jelena Ilić
Urednica: Jelena Ilić
Authors: Vladica Ilic, Sanja Radivojevic, Petar Vidosavljevic
Autori: Vladica Ilić, Sanja Radivojević, Petar Vidosavljević
Urednik: Demir Mekić
Autor: Lena Petrović
Autori: Branka Bajić Jovanov, Demir Mekić, Dušan Blagojević, Jelena Vuksanović
Urednici: Goran Sandić, Nevena Trofymenko
Autorke: Marina Mijatović, Gorica Đokić, Milja Dimitrijević
Autori: Dušan Pokuševski, Goran Sandić, Sara Dereta
Demir Mekić, autor
Zbornik radova povodom 70 godina od usvajanja Konvencije o zaštiti izbeglica
Vladica Ilić, Luka Mihajlović, Sanja Radivojević
Vladica Ilić, Aleksandar Trešnjev, Tea Gorjanc Prelević
Nevena Nikolić, urednica Goran Sandić, urednik
Urednici: Dušan Pokuševski, dr Vesna Petrović
Urednici: dr Vesna Petrović, Dušan Pokuševski
Nikola Kovačević, Radmila Dragičević Dičić, Marija Vuković Stanković, Lena Petrović, 2016.
Nevena Nikolić, urednica
Bogdan Krasić urednik
Goran Sandić, autor
Miloš Stojković, Dušan Pokuševski