Two Workshops Held with a Representative from the Center for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking

20. August 2024.

Two Workshops Held with a Representative from the Center for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking

As part of the project „Support to (potential) victims of migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings (THB) in Serbia“ which is supported by the regional project “EU Support to Strengthen the Fight against Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans”  – EU4FAST implemented by a consortium of partners led by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ),[1], the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights held two workshops.

Together with a representative from the Centre for protection of victims of human trafficking, Belgrade centre for human rights (BCHR) visited the Preševo Reception Centre (RC) and the Vranje Asylum Centre (AC) and organized workshops on the topic of “Prevention of Human Trafficking, Smuggling, and Labor Exploitation.” During the first session, individuals staying at the centers were introduced to concepts related to human trafficking and labor exploitation, as well as the risks and examples from practice that the Centre for protection of victims of human trafficking has encountered in its work. In the second session, individuals were given a closer understanding of the asylum procedure, as well as the rights and obligations prescribed by law.

At the Preševo Reception Centre, BCHR spoke with people from Arabic-speaking reagion who shared their experiences during their journey to the Republic of Serbia, as well as the difficulties they encountered. During the workshop, they were able to recognize the risks and dangerous situations they faced during their journey. Protection mechanisms were explained to them, including how they can seek and receive help and support in the Republic of Serbia.

Considering that the Vranje Asylum Centre houses individuals granted temporary protection from Ukraine and who have been staying there for an extended period, the focus of the workshop was on labor exploitation. Most of them have the right to work, and there is a higher number of women among them, so the emphasis was placed on the risks and dangers related to their specific situation.

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights plans to continue these workshops in the fall in cooperation with the Centre for protection of victims of human trafficking, to empower as many migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees and people on the move as possible to recognize and avoid risks so that they do not become victims of human trafficking, smuggling or labor exploitation.

The workshops were held as part of a project that includes providing provision of free legal aid in asylum centers, reception, and transit centers of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration. The project aims to improve the early identification of (potential) victims of human trafficking through access to information, legal assistance, and further referral to specialized state and non-state actors. The project also aims to enhance the provision of primary free legal aid, access to the territory, access to the asylum procedure, and support for the integration and reintegration of (potential) victims of smuggling and human trafficking.

The project EU4FAST is jointly funded by the EU (DG NEAR), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Italian Ministry of Interior and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[1] The Austrian Ministry of Interior, the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei), the Dutch Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC), the international technical cooperation operator of the French Ministry of the Interior CIVIPOL, the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, the Italian Ministry of the Interior and the Slovenian Ministry of the Interior.

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