The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has launched the Report on Human Rights in Serbia 2013.

April 1, 2014

BCLJP_5The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has launched at the press conference its annual Report on Human Rights in Serbia 2013. Dr. Vesna Petrović, Executive Director of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, summarized the general social, political and economic conditions for the enjoyment of human rights. Ivan Protić, journalist, presented appearing of human rights as a topic in the media as well as the way they were presented (and often violated). Legal officers of the Centre –  Nikola Kovačević, Sonja Tošković and Jovana Zorić – introduced to the public the most important laws and practice in the area of criminal justice, economic and social rights and prohibition of discrimination. They also reflected on the recommendations incorporated in the Report for the improvement of the unsatisfactory conditions in the mentioned areas.