»Freedom of movement and the migration issue in the European context«

October 5, 2015

Pfausto5, October 2015

Memorial Lecture for Professor Vojin Dimitrijević

»Freedom of movement and the migration issue in the European context«

Professor Fausto Pocar, Emeritus of International Law, University of Milan

The second Vojin Dimitrijević Memorial at Aero klub, Uzun Mirkova 4/II, Belgrade, starting at 12 a.m.

It is a distinct honour and privilege to have Professor Pocar as  lecturer in the series of memorial lectures in honour of Professor Vojin Dimitrijević, which are held in October each year, at the anniversary of his passing.

Judge Fausto Pocar is Professor Emeritus of International Law, University of Milan, Appeals Judge and former President of the ICTY (2005-2008) and Former President of the UN Human Rights Committee under the ICCPR.