Universal Jurisdiction – Challenges and Perspectives

October 6, 2015

12094963_1714375482128502_1903588104696308819_oThe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organised the panel discussion “Universal Jurisdiction in International Criminal Law.” The discussion was opened by former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Professor Emeritus of international law at the University of Milan, Mr. Fausto Pocar. In his presentation, Prof. Pocar elaborated closely on the current challenges and perspectives of the universal jurisdiction in international criminal law. In the presentation that followed, Mr Sasa Obradovic, Legal Adviser in the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, spoke about the jurisdiction of the Republic of Serbia in war crimes cases. The presentations were followed with fruitful and very vivid discusion. The discussion brought together app. 40 judges, prosecutors, representatives of international organizations and civil society organizations, representatives of the police, lawyers, investigative journalists, professors of law schools, as well as a number of national experts in the field of international humanitarian and international criminal law. The discussion was organised within the EU funded project “Strengthening Capacities of Civil Society Organisations to Take Over Trial Monitoring.”