Round Table on the Execution of UN Committee against Torture Decisions

November 28, 2019

Okrugli-sto-na-temu-primene-odluka-Komiteta-Ujediljenih-nacija-protiv-tortureIn cooperation with the Judicial Academy, the Ministry of Justice and the UN Human Rights Team in Serbia, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights hosted a round table on the execution of UN Committee against Torture decisions. The event was organised with a view to finding a joint response of the state and civil society to the following question: how to conduct extradition proceedings in accordance with legally binding international standards on the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and in compliance with the non-refoulement principle. The round table focused in particular on the case of Turkish Kurd Cevdet Ayaz, whom Serbia had extradited to Turkey despite the interim measure indicated by the UN Committee against Torture.