Round Table “Implementation of the Asylum and Temporary Protection Act in the Field of Integration”

December 27, 2019

EL6KXvcX0AAfUyjThe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights hosted a Round Table on the implementation of the Asylum and Temporary Protection Act in the field of integration in Belgrade on 16 December 2019. The Round Table was opened by UNHCR representative Mr. Hans Friedrich Schodder, who familiarised the participants with the future Global Refugee Forum.

Serbian Refugee and Migration Commissariat (CRM) representative Ivana Ćurko spoke about the CRM’s competences with respect to the integration of refugees, its experiences to date and 2020 plans. Representative of UNHCR’s durable solutions team Ksenija Papazoglu discussed UNHCR’s experiences in the integration of refugees in the labour market and the assistance UNHCR has been extending.

Psychological Innovation Network (PIN) Director Maša Vukčević Marković shared PIN’s experiences in working with refugees in Serbia and issues of relevance to their mental health. The participants also had the opportunity to hear about the experiences of refugee life from the very people granted asylum in Serbia.