Analysis of Daily Newspapers 23 February – 1 March 2014

March 13, 2014

Election Monitoring Centre of the House of Human Rights and Democracy (hereinafter: Centre) continues analyzing the writing of daily newspapers about political parties.  In the period from 23 February to 1 March, the Centre analyzed the writing of 8 daily newspapers (Danas, Politika, Blic, Alo, Kurir, Informer, Vecernje novosti and Nase novine). This time, the Centre analyzed the printing editions of these media. The methodology remained the same, i.e. all articles in which journalists analyze elections or any aspect of them, columns, comments, and similar text were left out. Also, the analysis also excluded the articles reporting on mutual quarrels on a personal basis among the representatives of political parties.

On the basis of the findings of the analysis, the Centre concludes that Serbian Progressive Party (SPP) still has by far the greatest presence in daily press. However, it is a significant novelty that in addition to traditionally professional Danas Daily, this week daily magazines Blic and Alo also very uniformly and fairly reported on political parties. Danas Daily is still the only newspaper with critical texts on Serbian Progressive Party.

The presence of the Serbian Progressive Party ranges from 15-37 percent, with  exception in Vecernje novosti Daily, where the presence of this party amounts up to 72 percent of all published texts of a kind.

Daily newspapers Kurir and Informer continue with negative campaign against Democratic Party. All articles about DP in Kurir Daily are again extremely negative and it is similar with Informer Daily, where three fourths of article about DP are negative. While Vecernje novosti Daily dedicated only one text to Democratic Party, Politika Daily did not publish any article about the largest opposition party. Parliamentary LDP was not the subject of any article in Politika Daily or in Vecernje novosti Daily.

The conclusion of the analysis is that 4 out of 8 daily newspapers, specifically Kurir, Informer, Vecernje novosti and Politika Daily openly favour the Serbian Progressive Party, while Nase novine Daily slightly favour this party (within the limits of acceptable freedom of editorial policy). Blic Daily and Alo Daily did not favour any political party during this week.


Findings per Media


1. Kurir Daily

In percentages, the greatest part of texts is about the Social Progressive Party (SPP), 37.29 percent, and all are positive. SPP is followed by the coalition around Democratic Party (DP), which is present with 20.34 percent, but all texts are absolutely negative. United Regions of Serbia (URS) is present with 11,86 percent out of which 43 percent is negative. Democratic Party of Serbia (DPS) is present with 10.17 percent and coalition around LDP with 8.47 percent. New Democratic Party (NDP), Dveri Movement and Third Serbia are present with 3.39 each. The list ‘Enough of that’ was reported on in one article (1.69 percent) and that one was negative.

Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and the Third Serbia are present with 1.43 percent each.

2. Informer

The coalition around DP is in the first place with 26.67 percent of articles, but 75 percent of them are negative. On the other hand, SPP is present with 23.33 percent, the articles being only positive. SPS is present with 20 percent of articles, all being negative. NDP is present with 10 percent, and LDP and DPS with 6.67 each. URS and Third Serbia are reported on in one article each (3.33 percent), being it negative.

3. Vecernje novosti

In percentage, SPP has absolute domination – 72,22 percent of all articles. NDP, DP, SRP, PDD and Third Serbia were given one article each (5.56 percent).

4. Politika

SPP is in the first place with the percentage of presence amounting to 36.36, while the second place is shared by NDP and URS with 18.18 percent each. SPP, DPS and the List ‘Enough of that’ are present with 9.09 percent each.

5. Blic

LDP, SPS and DP share the first place with 18.42 percent each, and are followed by SPP with 15.79 percent. NDP is present with 10.53 percent of articles. DPS is present with 7.89 percent, URS with 5.26 percent, while SRP and the List ‘Enough of that’ have one article each (2.63 percent).

6. Alo

In percentage, SPP is present with 27.27 percent, while DP has 18.18 percent of articles. The list around LDP has 13.64 percent. DPS and Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians have 9.09 percent of articles each. SPS, URS, NDP, Dveri Movement and the List ‘Enough of that’ have one article each (4.55 percent).

7. Danas

SPP is in the first place with 25.93 percent. LDP is in the second with 16.67 percent. DP has 12.96 percent of articles and SPS 11.11 percent. URS and Third Serbia have 7.41 percent each. DPS is present with 5.56 percent, while NDP and Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians have 3.7 percent each. SRP, Dveri Movement and the List ‘Enough of that’ have 1.85 percent (one article) each.

8. Nase novine

SPP is in the first place with 30.51 percent, while SPS is in the second with 15.25 percent. DPS and DP have 11.86 percent and LDP has 10.17 percent. SRP and URS have 5.08 percent each, but one article about URS is negative. Dveri Movement and NDP have 3.39 percent (two articles) each, but both articles about NDP are negative. The List ‘Enough of that’ and Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians were given one article (1.69 percent) each.