The ART OF INTEGRATION program brought together a group of young people who are going through an educational process on the topic of refugee inclusion in Serbian society. The group consists of young people coming from Serbia and Iran. The process itself is also inclusive, so young people from different vulnerable groups are actively involved. The program “ART OF INTEGRATION” consists of lectures, educational workshops, visits to reception centers for refugees and migrants, drama workshops and animation workshops.
So far, more than 30 workshops and lectures have been conducted. At the moment, the preparation of a play and animated film on the topic of inclusion of refugees and migrants is being prepared, on which the group of young people actively participates with all the acquired knowledge during the process. The text itself for the play came from working with this group, based on their thinking on inclusion, acceptance and interculturality.
The program is realized in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade and the Dutch Refugee Council.