Watch the Testimony by Roki Đorđević from Kula, a Victim of Police Torture

June 26, 2020

 Capture RokiThe BCHR marked 26 June, International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, by publishing the testimony of Roki Đorđević from Kula, who was tortured by the police in late January 2020.

Roki’s account is available at:

The BCHR has for ten years now been collecting all prosecutorial and court files on reports of people who claim they were tortured or ill-treated by public officials. Our work and experience point to the unacceptable status of these victims in Serbia.  

First of all, the relevant authorities have not done hardly anything to prevent torture and other forms of ill-treatment. Second, case law shows that courts and prosecutors trust statements by police and other public officials much more than claims by people alleging torture and their witnesses. Most criminal reports of torture and ill-treatment filed against public officials are dismissed. The few cases that make it to court as a rule do not end in convictions. During the state of emergency, the public unfortunately had the opportunity to see on social media footage of police slapping, punching and kicking citizens, thus grossly violating their human dignity.

BCHR Files Requests with Protector of Citizens and Serbian Government Re Doubts about the Official COVID-19 Data

June 24, 2020


The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has filed an initiative with the Protector of Citizens to inspect the work of the Ministry of Health, specifically its information system and disclosure of data on the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Serbia. The BCHR also filed a request with the Serbian Government to provide it with access to the minutes of the COVID-19 Crisis Headquarters sessions, the decision on the establishment of the Crisis Headquarters and information about all members of that body and their functions. 

The BCHR’s requests were prompted by BIRN’s claims that the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths was several times higher than the numbers published officially by the Crisis Headquarters.

To recall, any concealment of data regarding public health in Serbia is not only illegal, but can also cause irreparable and immeasurable harm to the rights of Serbia’s citizens, undermine their trust in the government and cause panic. Independent institutions must report on the above information as soon as possible.

World Refugee Day

June 19, 2020


On the occasion of 20 June, World Refugee Day, the Belgrade Centre of Human Rights alerts to the vulnerability of the refugee population, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, and recalls that Serbian state institutions are under the obligation to extend protection to all refugees under domestic and international law.

UNHCR data show that 79.5 million people in the world have been forced to flee their homes as a result of persecution or conflicts. Children account for 40% of them. Unfortunately, the years-long conflicts and large-scale violations of human rights indicate that major improvements are unlikely in the near future. A total of 12,937 people expressed the intention to seek asylum in Serbia in 2019 but only 35 were granted asylum. Furthermore, the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons from ex-Yugoslavia have not been resolved yet.

To recall, the movement of migrants and asylum seekers during the state of emergency introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was strictly limited to the centres they were living in. We therefore call on the relevant institutions to provide migrants with unobstructed access to Serbia’s territory in accordance with UNHCR and OHCHR recommendations during the pandemic, whilst respecting all the health measures. The Serbian asylum system still cannot be qualified as efficient given the length of the asylum procedure and non-implementation of the asylum procedure at Belgrade airport Nikola Tesla and the low number of people granted asylum. The refugees’ integration has been gravely undermined by their inability to obtain travel documents and Serbian citizenship.

The BCHR has been endeavouring to improve the status of all refugees in Serbia through its activities involving the provision of legal aid to asylum seekers, strategic litigation before domestic and international bodies, support in integration and advocacy. The BCHR launched an online campaign #let’sstandbyeachother to mark World Refugee Day and raise public awareness of the refugees’ problems and promote solidarity and tolerance to contribute to the equality and life in dignity of all vulnerable groups, including refugees, in Serbia’s society.

World Refugee Day was established under a UN General Assembly Resolution in 2001.

Watch Our Online Campaign #let’sstandbyeachother Marking World Refugee Day

June 18, 2020


The Belgrade Centre of Human Rights initiated its online campaign #let’sstandbyeachother to mark World Refugee Day.

Public figures, refugees, UNHCR and BCHR representatives appear in a series of video recordings, relating their personal experiences, problems faced by refugees, and the challenges and opportunities they have in society and communities they are living in. 

You can follow the #let’sstandbyeachother online campaign on BCHR’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter profiles. Take a look at what actress Nina Janković Dičić, reporter and presenter Dragan IlićZoran Kesić author of “24 Minutes with Zoran Kesić”, refugees from Iran and Burundi Jafar Fatahani and Kathia Katihabwa, “Marka Žvaka”, Dušan Čavić and Dušan Šaponja, Head of the UNHCR Serbia Office Hans Friedrich Schodder and Ana Trifunović and Anja Stefanović of the BCHR have to say about World Refugee Day and the problems faced by refugees.

The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the refugees’ problems and promote solidarity and tolerance to contribute to the equality and life in dignity of all vulnerable groups, including refugees, in our society. 

EU Fundamental Rights Agency publishes its 2020 Fundamental Rights Report covering EU Member States and, for the first time, Serbia and North Macedonia

June 12, 2020

The European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) published its 2020 Fundamental Rights Report covering EU Member States and, for the first time, two EU candidate countries – Serbia and North Macedonia. FRA’s 2020 Report emphasises the importance of human rights protection in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Growing intolerance and attacks on people’s fundamental rights continue to erode the considerable progress achieved over the years. As Europe begins to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic we see a worsening of existing inequalities and threats to societal cohesion,” the
Report finds.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had, and will continue to have, a profound impact on the fundamental rights of everyone across the EU. Persistent inequalities, harassment and prejudices are likely to worsen,” says FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty. “Governments need to ensure planning for the ‘new normal’ to lead to a fair and just society that honours the dignity of everyone and ensures that no one is left behind.”

FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2020 reflects on the developments and shortfalls of human rights protection in the EU over the past year, including in the United Kingdom and two EU candidate countries: Serbia and North Macedonia. It addresses: equality and non-discrimination; racism and related intolerance; Roma inclusion; asylum, borders and migration; information society, privacy and data protection; child rights; access to justice; and implementing the UN’s disability convention. The Report summarises and analyses major human rights developments in the EU over 2019. It also contains proposals for action covering the EU’s Fundamental Rights
Charter and its use by Member States.

The Serbia Report is available at:

The integral Report is available at:

Constitutional Court Invalidates Parliament’s Role in State of Emergency Proclamation Procedure

May 26, 2020

By dismissing as manifestly ill-founded the initiatives to review the constitutionality of the Decision on the State of Emergency of 15 March 2020, the Constitutional Court of Serbia has invalidated the National Assembly’s role in the state of emergency proclamation procedure.

The Serbian Constitution gives the National Assembly the main role during a state of emergency. Under Articles 99, 105, 106, 109 and 200 of the Constitution, the National Assembly shall proclaim a state of emergency and may impose measures derogating from human and minority rights; a disbanded National Assembly shall perform only current or urgent tasks stipulated by law and, in case a state of emergency is proclaimed, it shall regain its full competence until the state of emergency is lifted; and, the National Assembly shall be convoked without notice upon the proclamation of a state of emergency. Pursuant to the Constitution, in the event the decision on the state of emergency is not taken by the National Assembly, the National Assembly shall verify it within 48 hours or as soon  as it is in a position to convene. A decision on the state of emergency not verified by the National Assembly shall cease to be effective upon the end of its first session after the proclamation of the state of emergency. The Serbian Government is under the duty to submit the decrees on measures derogating from human and minority rights, which are co-signed by the Serbian President, for verification by the National Assembly within 48 hours or as soon as the National Assembly is in a position to convene. Otherwise, such measures shall cease to be effective 24 hours after the beginning of the first session of the National Assembly held after the proclamation of the state of emergency. 

The National Assembly Speaker’s notice to the Serbian President and Government of 15 March 2020 that the Assembly was not in a position to meet sufficed for the Constitutional Court to conclude that there was no cause to review the constitutionality of the Decision on the State of Emergency, which was adopted by the Serbian President, Prime Minister and National Assembly Speaker rather than the National Assembly.

The initiatives submitted to the Constitutional Court de facto raised the issue of abuse of the constitutional provision exceptionally providing for the proclamation of a state of emergency by the President, Prime Minister and Speaker in the event the National Assembly cannot meet. The Constitutional Court held that it “had no constitutional or other legal grounds to question the Speaker’s notice that the parliament was unable to meet,” wherefore it did not question, under constitutional law, the Speaker’s power to herself suspend the work of the legislature, without first calling and holding a session of the Collegium[1], obtaining the opinions of the MPs, their caucuses or the parliamentary committees on whether it was possible to hold a session, and to opt for the constitutional exception. It thus comes as no surprise, although it definitely gives rise to concern, that the Constitutional Court qualified the proclamation of the state of emergency by the Serbian President, Prime Minister and parliament Speaker as an alternative rather than a subsidiary procedure.

In its explanation of its decision, the Constitutional Court devoted a lot of space to enumerating and analysing the facts supporting the introduction of the state of emergency (the epidemiological situation in China, Spain, France, Italy, Serbia, the unknowns surrounding COVID-19, etc.). On the other hand, it did not deem relevant to examine the actions (e.g. calling and holding a session of the Collegium, obtaining the opinions of the MPs, their caucuses or the parliamentary committees on whether a session could be held elsewhere, et al) that should have preceded the Speaker’s notice to the Serbian President and Prime Minister that the Assembly could not meet. The Constitutional Court explained that it was unable to assess the Assembly’s organisational capacity to meet without delay in an emergency threatening human life and health.

The invalidation of the parliament’s role also brings into question the constitutionally proclaimed sovereignty vested in the people and exercised through their freely elected representatives. The Constitutional Court apparently does not consider the possibility of one MP (merely “the first among equals”) usurping this sovereignty a relevant constitutional law issue.

To recall, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights filed three initiatives with the Constitutional Court to review the constitutionality of the Serbian authorities’ state of emergency decisions and their compliance with ratified international treaties. These initiatives are still pending before the Constitutional Court.


[1] The National Assembly Collegium is a body convened by the National Assembly Speaker to coordinate and consult on the work of the National Assembly. The Collegium comprises the National Assembly Speaker, National Assembly Deputy Speakers and heads of the parliamentary groups in the National Assembly.