Vidan Hadži – Vidanović

February 16, 2013

vidanVidan Hadzi Vidanovic

Lawyer in European court for Human Rights

“The School completely transformed my life.” With these words began one of the first lectures of the Human Rights School for Future Decision Makers in 2003 when I attended it. Today, I adopt these words of my colleague and friend as my own. I came to the school as a graduate of the Law School which was far more devoted to the career of a television show writer than the law.  (more…)

Ružica Žarevac Boutruche

ruzaRuzica Zarevac Boutruche

Lawyer in European court for Human Rights

Almost a decade has passed since I attended the School. I had already graduated from the Law School of the University of Belgrade, from which some of the best professors were expelled, including Vojin. In search for opportunities to learn from those professors, in the Alternative Academic Educational Network I discovered that the Centre organized a Human Rights School for Future Trainers. However, when I signed up I could not have dreamt that the School would have such a significant effect on my professional, social and private life. (more…)

Tanja Miščević

tanja-miscevicTanja Miščević

Šefica tima Srbije za pregovore sa EU

The Human Rights School of the Centre was one of the few places during the 1990s in Serbia where one could achieve two basic goals: to maintain normality in those insane years, as well as to learn so much. (more…)

Marko Milanović

marko milanovicMarko Milanović

Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge.

Without exaggeration, the Centre’s School was for me the decisive first step in terms of my interest in international law and human rights, which I now work with professionally. Not only did I attend lectures given by experts with an international reputation that were unlike any I had attended before but I also began working for the Centre after the School. (more…)

Dragan Prelević

dragan-prelevicDragan Prelević

Lawyer from Podgorica.

I attended the Belgrade Centre School of Human Rights as a trainee lawyer in 1996 at the time of the fiercest student protests against Milosević’s regime. I remember the School for the touching friendships that developed and persisted among participants and for the impression made by the systematic approach to the protection of human dignity through the system of human rights and for the lecturers who gave it their all. Prof Kosta Obradović advised on the nuances and secrets of the negotiation of international treaties on humanitarian law and attorney Ivan Janković on how to cope with the monitoring and interception of the secret police. (more…)

Marko Karadžić

February 15, 2013

marko karadzicMarko Karadžić

The Centre’s School, together with its employees who are now my dear friends, represents a turning point in my life. It is where I was first given the opportunity to become familiarised in an honest and open way with the issue of human rights. During the 1990’s, if you wanted to learn anything, you could only do so through alternative educational networks, and in addition to many other activities, the Centre offered this possibility to young people as well. (more…)