Human Rights Law School

November 7, 2018

Donors: Federal Foreign Office via Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belgrade and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Belgrade

Duration of the School: 2 November – 3 December 2018

Belgrade Centre for Human Rights once again organised Human Rights Law School which represents an intensive 60-hour course on the notion of human rights, restrictions and derogations, prohibition of discrimination, the right to life, the right to liberty and security of person, the right to a fair trial, freedom of expression, economic, social and cultural rights, minority rights, and other human rights. (more…)

Seminar on the situation of unaccompanied refugee children in the asylum procedure

November 3, 2018

In Subotica, we participated in a two-day seminar on the situation of unaccompanied refugee children in the asylum procedure organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. We discussed the new legal solutions and existing challenges in that area with representatives of the Asylum Office, the guardianship authority, the Refugee and Migration Commissariat, and colleagues from other non-governmental organizations. On the second day of the seminar, the Belgrade Center for Human Rights presented the role of a legal representative of unaccompanied children who requested international protection in the Republic of Serbia.

Periodic report on the right to asylum in the Republic of Serbia

October 29, 2018

PRSepJPGThe Belgrade Center for Human Rights has compiled a periodic report on the right to asylum in the Republic of Serbia that relates to the third quarter of 2018. The report includes a detailed analysis of the right to access to the asylum procedure, with special emphasis on access to the procedure at the Belgrade airport and the reception center for foreigners as well the practice of the authorities in charge of decision-making in the asylum procedure through the analysis of individual decisions.
You can download the report HERE.


Save the constitutional guarantee of protection of citizens’ privacy

October 23, 2018

More than 30 civil society organizations supported the text of the amendment to Article 40 of the Personal Data Protection Law and called on the deputies to support an amendment that stipulates that citizens’ rights to the protection of personal data can be limited solely on the basis of the law. If the disputed article of the law is adopted in the present form, there is a danger that authorities or private companies handling personal data may restrict citizens’ rights without explicit legal authority and at their own discretion.

Complete announcement in Serbian, with the proposed amendment can be found HERE.


Acquainting persons who were granted refugee status on the territory of the Republic of Serbia with Serbian culture, history and Constitution

October 22, 2018

Donor: Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia

Duration: July 2018 – December 2018

Belgrade Centre for Human Rights conducts a program for acquainting persons who were granted refugee status on the territory of the Republic of Serbia with Serbian culture, history and Constitution by means of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the Decree on the manner of inclusion in the social, cultural and economic life of persons who were granted asylum. The training program lasts 30 hours and covers the fields of geography, history, culture, human rights and constitutional order. For persons who do not speak Serbian, a translation into Arabic is provided. In addition to training in the classroom, thematic visits to museums such as the National Museum, the Ethnographic Museum and institutions such as the National Assembly, the Ombudsman and the National TV are envisaged. The basic part of the training is conducted in the House of Human Rights and Democracy.

INCLUSION LIVE 2.0 – Call for mentors

October 19, 2018

Call for mentors, as well as youth organizations and youth office within the program “Inclusion Live 2.0” is open!

The main goal of the program is to improve the capacity of youth policy actors in Serbia to implement the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities in their policies and practices. The desire is to improve the position of young people, especially those from vulnerable groups.

The program is implemented by the Belgrade Center for Human Rights in cooperation with the three national associations – the National Association of Youth Offices, the National Association of Practitioners of Youth Work and the National Youth Council of Serebia and with the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The program is a continuation of the pilot program “Inclusion Live 1.0” which was realized in 2017.

For application form, visit our page HERE.