Round Table on the Execution of UN Committee against Torture Decisions

November 28, 2019

Okrugli-sto-na-temu-primene-odluka-Komiteta-Ujediljenih-nacija-protiv-tortureIn cooperation with the Judicial Academy, the Ministry of Justice and the UN Human Rights Team in Serbia, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights hosted a round table on the execution of UN Committee against Torture decisions. The event was organised with a view to finding a joint response of the state and civil society to the following question: how to conduct extradition proceedings in accordance with legally binding international standards on the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and in compliance with the non-refoulement principle. The round table focused in particular on the case of Turkish Kurd Cevdet Ayaz, whom Serbia had extradited to Turkey despite the interim measure indicated by the UN Committee against Torture.

One Year of Implementation of Regulations on Asylum and Migration

November 27, 2019

Konferencija-propisi-u-oblasti-azilaThe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights participated in the conference “Regulations in the Field of Asylum and Migration: One Year of Implementation” on 26 November 2019.

The event was organised by Group 484, with the support of the Balkan Trust for Democracy and the Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. Belgrade Law School Professors Dr Ivana Krstić and Dr Marko Davinić presented the “Guide on Regulations in the Field of Asylum and Migration” at the conference. Furthermore, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Border Police Directorate, Service for Aliens, the Asylum Office, as well as judges of the Administrative and Misdemeanour Appellate Courts, and representatives of civil society organisations, including the BCHR, discussed the implementation of the relevant asylum and migration regulations one year since they entered into force.

Centre in the Council of Europe conference – Regional Collaboration on Migration and Asylum: Key Challenges and Good Practices

November 18, 2019

Belgrade Centre for Human Rights participated in the Council of Europe Conference in Sarajevo, 14.11.2019 on regional cooperation in the field of migration and asylum. A representative of the Centre participated in a panel on the role of international organisations and civil society organisations sharing the experience of the Centre, which as a partner of UNHCR has been involved in the field of asylum since 2012, regarding the current situation in Serbia and the region, the link between human rights and migration,  and the application of international standards in the field of asylum. (more…)

Constituencies for Judicial Reform in Serbia

July 24, 2019


Platform Otvorena vrata pravosuđa is designed to provide citizens with information on how the justice system functions in Serbia and how they can protect their rights in courts. 

The project Constituencies for Judicial Reform in Serbia wants to adopt the principle of open dialogue between citizens and the judiciary, and to encourage their greater engagement in local communities. The task of the project is to help citizens to understand their rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, and also to inform citizens how the judicial system works and how judges and prosecutors make fair and rational decisions.