No Response to Hate Speech in Parliament

July 10, 2019

The insults ruling party MP Marko Atlagić hurled at Belgrade College of Philosophy professors in the Serbian National Assembly several days ago are, to say the least, unbefitting of the office he holds and the institution to which Serbia’s citizens had elected him and other deputies to represent them with dignity and decency. (more…)

KAFANA FORUM – An Interactive Platform for the Important Stories of the Youth!

July 8, 2019

KAFANA FORUM– An Interactive Platform for the Important Stories of the Youth!


What does nation mean to you? What do you know about extremism? Do you have a particular story you want to share? 

Kafana Forum gives you an opportunity, as a young person, to express what you think, feel, what you are going through, what your doubts are, and what you are sure of!

Kafana Forum is an interactive platform for addressing topics such as identity, nation, nationalism, prejudice, stereotypes, social distance, as well as tolerance, equality, reconciliation and conflict.

The platform aimsto collect authentic stories, comments, worldviews and dilemmas that will more or less be used in creating a theatre play dealing with these topics, and played by youth from Serbia.



The word kafana – tavern – comes from the Turkish word kahvehane, which has been adopted from Arabic and Persian: quahve meaning coffee, and khane meaning a house.

Our Kafana Forum does not emphasize the tavern itself as a lifestyle but uses the concept as an inspiration for connecting, exchange, talk and unity.

Kafana Forum is the melting pot of stories, experiences and reflections, a place where a group of people is gathering and exchanging something important for the community.

Kafana Forum is the online space where we can talk!

Twice a month, Kafana Forum will be initiating exciting topics and choosing you to participate in the discussion. Leave a comment, tell us what you think! Be a part of the play yet to be created!

We are seven days away from the first question and the first discussion topic. The countdown is on, get your keyboards ready!

Regional meeting of CSOs from South-Eastern Europe

July 2, 2019

DSC_0415 (400x267)Belgrade Centre for Human Right participated at the second regional meeting of CSOs from South-Eastern Europe on 27-28 June in Ohrid organised by MYLA (Macedonian Young Lawyers Association). Participants presented current situation in their countries regarding state asylum system, irregular migration, police conduct in the border zones, integration system etc. (more…)


June 20, 2019


We mark the World Refugee Day in 2019 with the highest number of forcibly displaced persons worldwide in the last 70 years. According to the UNHCR more than 70.8 million people are forcibly displaced in this moment with weak or no perspective for return to their countries of origin. This number includes refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced who will spend World Refugee Day away from their homes with unpredictable future.

Belgrade Centre for Human Right reminds the authorities of the Republic of Serbia that they have an obligation to consistently fulfil obligations stemming from the 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol as well as to devote more efforts in order to provide efficient application of the national legal framework in the areas of asylum system and migration management.

We believe that the World Refugee Day belongs to all the people who were forced to flee their homes due to wars and severe violations of human rights and today we would like to share voices of those who came to our country seeking for refuge and protection:

We have security and peace, and most importantly, the people of Serbia have accepted us in their own society. Having the citizenship of Serbia in the future would be the greatest honor for us. Our message is: Helping people, despite geographical and racial differences, is the greatest humanitarian action in the world.

 3-member family from Iran, granted refugee status in the Republic of Serbia in 2019.

When I decided to leave my country, I dreamt to reach some safe place where I can build my future. Serbia is a safe place and I feel I’m at home. In order to be fully integrated in this society I need more working opportunities and help to meet new people in order to better understand the culture. The most important thing for refugees is to find a safe place and being able to live freely and fearless no matter where they are. 

Single women from Somalia, asylum seeker in the Republic of Serbia.

I feel safe. Serbia is a nice place to stay, people are polite and it’s close to our culture. I dream about normal and stable life, to improve my skills and have a better future. I need to improve my knowledge of the Serbian language, to have a job, to have Serbian friends, and of course to fall in love with a Serbian girl. My message for the World refugee day is:  no war brought any good to any nation, we are all people, our origin doesn’t matter and intolerance should not be accepted. Also, I hope that every country will have more patience and tolerance towards refugees.

Unaccompanied child from Syria, asylum seeker in the Republic of Serbia.


Belgrade Centre for Human Rights will continue to provide support to refugees and asylum seekers in the Republic of Serbia in order to support their efforts to find a safe place for living and a better future.  


Statement can be downloaded HERE.