Round table “Gender equality on the labor market”

May 10, 2018

Representatives of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights spoke at the round table Gender Inequality in the labor market in Serbia, organized by UNWOMEN Serbia. On this occasion, in order to better understand the role of the non-governmental sector in the economic empowerment of women, we pointed out areas that are of key importance for the economic empowerment of women, which require the joint work of the state and the civil sector. (more…)

Decision of The Press Council on complaint of BCHR

May 8, 2018

Within the project “Anonymous Hatred”, the Belgrade Center for Human Rights filed a complaint to the Press Council due to the comments on the post on the Facebook page of “Blic” newspaper, in which insulting attitudes towards the LGBT population were highlighted, calling for hatred and violence against LGBT people. (more…)

Conference “Processing genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

April 26, 2018

Bojan Stojanović, a lawyer at the Belgrade Center for Human Rights, participated at the 3rd international conference “The Processing of Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, which was held from 18-19. in April 2018, in Sarajevo. The conference was organized by the “Association of victims and witnesses of genocide” and the “Mother of the Srebrenica and Zepa enclaves” movement.  (more…)