Lisbon Forum “Migration and human rights: How to structure effective collective action? Best practices and shared knowledge in the Mediterranean and European space”

November 30, 2016

31071035452_7f941eda8c_kBelgrade Centre for Human Rights took part in Lisbon Forum 2016, which was organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. On behalf of Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Ms. Sonja Tošković participated in Panel I – Human rights of the people on the move, presenting the situation in Republic of Serbia, with special focus on migration and asylum system in Serbia.  (more…)

Right to Asylum in the Republic of Serbia – Periodic Report for July – September 2016

October 27, 2016

JUL SEPTEMBAR ENGLESKIThe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) continued implementing the project involving the provision of legal aid to refugees and asylum seekers with UNHCR’s support in the latter half of 2016. BCHR lawyers continued regularly visiting Asylum Centres and extending legal advice to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants with a view to familiarising them with their rights and obligations. (more…)

ECRE Annual General Conference

October 26, 2016

Representatives of the Belgrade Center for Human Rights participated in ECRE Annual General Conference in Berlin, from 12 to 14 October. ECRE, an alliance of 90 organisations in 38 countries protecting refugee rights across Europe, expresses deep concerns about Europe’s growing emphasis on externalization of migration control, which has now moved center stage. The EU is outsourcing its responsibilities on refugee protection and giving financial incentives to countries to stop refugees reaching Europe. Making deals with countries with poor human rights records will not address the root causes of why people flee and it leaves refugees in life threatening situations, ECRE states during its Annual General Conference in Berlin. (more…)

New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted at historic UN summit

October 3, 2016

8vUxf5wThe United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the New York Declaration for refugees and Migrants at a historic summit that was held on 19 September 2016. The Declaration reflects political will for to improve the protection of refugees, especially regarding responsibility sharing. However, the Declaration is a product of compromise and therefore it has a large number of shortcomings, especially obvious are the indecisiveness on certain issues and weak proposed solutions and as such the Declaration is largely seen only as the beginning of a new dialogue that should lead to the adoption of a more substantial Global compact on refugee rights in 2018. (more…)

Utrecht Declaration on Academic Freedom

September 30, 2016

ahriMeeting at Utrecht University for our annual conference, we, the Association of Human Rights Institutes ( AHRI), deplore the actions and threats of actions of an increasing number of States to restrain and even foreclose academic freedom, in the name of security, public order, counter-terrorism, counter-crime or counter-extremism, through a variety of measures, including disciplinary actions, dismissals, criminal prosecutions, physical violence, travel restrictions and widespread intimidation of numerous scholars, teachers, students and academic institutions.
