Nikolina Milic, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights for Middle East Eye

December 20, 2015

Refugees find that using Bulgaria to reach Europe is not an easy option: ‘First they beat us with batons, and then they released the dogs on us.’

SOFIA / DIMITROVGRAD, Bulgaria – As thousands of refugees fleeing from the war are trying to reach European shores of the Aegean Sea, some of them have decided to try their luck and take the route through Bulgaria, although according to reports by humanitarian organisations that is no less a challenge than other routes to Europe.



Human Rights Day Statement

December 10, 2015

UntitledOn this day, 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal declaration of Human Rights. This Declaration, of which one of those most responsible for its drafting, Eleanor Roosevelt, said that it is ‘the international Magna Carta of all men everywhere’, for the first time reaffirmed at the international level the faith in fundamental human rights, as well as the dignity and value of human beings regardless of their race, the colour of their skin, gender, national or ethnic origin. (more…)

“Safe Passage”

November 13, 2015

The Bulgarian authorities have been accused of brutality towards migrants.

“Safe Passage” Report conducted by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and Oxfam highlights the dangers which await refugees and migrants both near the Turkish-Bulgarian border and later as they try to cross into Serbia.


Nikolina Milić for Oxfam, Refugees crossing into Europe tell of abuse at hands of Bulgarian police


Universal Jurisdiction – Challenges and Perspectives

October 6, 2015

12094963_1714375482128502_1903588104696308819_oThe Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organised the panel discussion “Universal Jurisdiction in International Criminal Law.” The discussion was opened by former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Professor Emeritus of international law at the University of Milan, Mr. Fausto Pocar. In his presentation, Prof. Pocar elaborated closely on the current challenges and perspectives of the universal jurisdiction in international criminal law. (more…)