September 21, 2015

AHRIThe EU faces a historic test this week to address the refugee crisis. The special sessions of the Justice and Home Affairs Council and of the European Council offer a unique opportunity to show leadership. Having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012 and priding itself on its deep commitment to fundamental values such as human dignity, human rights, equality, solidarity and the rule of law, the EU bears a heavy responsibility to come up with more workable solutions. Let us not forget that the EU guarantees the right to asylum in its own Charter of Fundamental Rights. (more…)

Human Rights Conference “Human Rights and Universality” of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI)

September 17, 2015

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights will mark its 20th anniversary by being honoured to host the 2015 Human Rights Conference “Human Rights and Universality” of the Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) on 21-22 September 2015. The theme has been chosen because almost 70 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the legitimacy of human rights is still being questioned and human rights scepticism still abounds. However, new ways of approaching the universality of human rights are emerging. (more…)

World Refugee Day Announcement

June 19, 2015

In adopting Resolution 55/76 of 4 December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 20 June World Refugee Day, which has been observed as such since 2001 in order to raise awareness among the general public of the plight of refugees. (more…)