Strengthening the position of the Ombudsman in the Republic of Serbia

September 16, 2012


Duration: march – december 2012

Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM, together with the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, in the period from March to December 2012 implemented the project that aims to determine the effect of the recommendations coming from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Serbia and to investigate the influence of the authority of this institution in relation to public bodies for which the Ombudsman’s office found a violation of the principles of good governance. (more…)

Combating discrimination on all grounds in the Serbian education system

December 30, 2011
european flag logo centra en yukom

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia within the framework of the “Support to civil society” project, financed by the EU

Donator:  Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Duration of project: 2011 – 2012

The “Combating discrimination on all grounds in the Serbian education system” is implemented by the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights and the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights under the sponsorship of the European Union (EU). It is comprised of three main components: (more…)

Implementation of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination – Avoiding Conflicts

December 29, 2011

Donor: Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Duration of project: January 2011 – December 2011 

Self-determination started as a political prescription, as a principle of fairness in international politics and as a recommendation on how to establish and maintain durable peace in certain parts of the world. It was later proclaimed to be a legal principle or, more precisely, a collective human right. Problems that Europe faced after the dissolution of Yugoslavia brought to the international agenda the desire of some ethnic groups in Europe to create or revive their own nation-states through secession. (more…)

Human Rights School 2011

December 22, 2011

Donator: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the City of Belgrade’s Agency for Cooperation with NGOs and European Harmonization

Duration of Project: 11- 20 November 2011.

This project is the continuation of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights’ long tradition in educational activities, which have been part of the Centre’s field of work since its inception. This year’s Human Rights School was the seventeenth annual such school. It was aided by the embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the City of Belgrade’s Agency for Cooperation with NGOs and European Harmonization and the Belgrade Youth Office offered their premises (Info Room) for the School. The School brings together participants interested in this field, who range from law students, political science or social science students, postgraduates and NGO activists from Serbia on the one hand, and on the other, relevant experts in this field, representatives of international institutions and NGOs. (more…)

“News from the past” – historical illusions: misconceptions about the past and their social and political effects

December 30, 2010

delegacija eu u srbiji

Delagation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia (EIDHR)

Donor: Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Duration of project: January 2010- January 2011

The main goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of mythical elements of the understanding of the past and thereby to eliminate the “curse of history” which has been affecting Serbia and its neighbours in the last decade of the 1990s and has dominated much of political thinking and decision making thereafter. The aim of  BCHR is not to study the attitudes of the public and the shared images of the past and to wonder about their origin and seek explanations for their existence but to try to replace mythical images of the past by their real understanding of the past events. In other words, much of the teaching of history and the use of history for political aims has been based on the understanding of history as a vehicle for the establishment and preservation of national identity, for enhancing national pride and self-confidence and not for the transmission of objective and scientifically verified presentation of the past. (more…)

Promoting accountable and professional reporting on issues of organised crime, war crimes, discrimination and domestic violence

December 29, 2010

Donor: The Balkan Trust – The Project of the German Marshall Fund

Duration of project: May 2010 – June 2011

After two years of monitoring and reporting on the activities of state institutions and media in the fields of organised crime, war crimes, discrimination and domestic violence (more…), the BCHR has concluded that the process of advocacy should be expanded to include not only stakeholders but also the general public. Since the best way to influence public opinion is through media, we believe that building the professional capacity of journalists as “watchdogs of democracy” should be the focus of the future activities of the BCHR in the above-mentioned four fields. (more…)