Monitoring and Reporting About the Implementation of International Obligations

December 22, 2010

Monitoring the implementation of human rights obligations of the State is one of the main activities of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights. The Centre monitors and reports on respect for human rights in our country, most notably through its annual human rights report, in which it analyses national human rights legislation and its compatibility with international standards in the field, above all with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The reports also give an overview of how the human rights are implemented in practice. (more…)

Crimes and Punishment in the Minds of People – the Internalisation of the ICTY Legacy

Donor: UK Secretary for the State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affaires

Duration of project: September 2010 – March 2012

Belgrade Center for Human Rights is implementing two year project focused on improvement of knowledge and change of attitudes towards the ICTY and war crimes among different stakeholders.
Trough great variety of activities project is targeting both expert and general public. BCHR will produce and distribute publication aimed at tackling a number of stereotypes and misconceptions among general public about the ICTY and war crimes issues, publication will be printed and distributed to all relevant stakeholders – ministers, members of parliament, scholars, prosecutors, judges, journalists, media editors, students, and will be made available in electronic form at the websites of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and the OSCE Mission to Serbia. (more…)

Human Rights as the Means of Involving Young People in Community Affairs

Donor: Olof Palmes International Centrum

Duration of project: January 2010 – December 2010

This project is the continuiation of the previous projects the Centre has implemented with the support form the Olof Palmes International Centrum. Like during the previous years, it consists of two modules. Module I is to conducted from January until July 2010 and the goal of this Module is to provide specific education to high school students in selected Serbian towns – Ub, Obrenovac, Belgrade and Valjevo. In this Module 150 young people age 16 – 19 will be included and they will receive training in human rights, environmental issues and involvement in the decision making process in their local communities. The result of this part of Module I will be creation and implementation of local campaigns on environmental issues by students who have attended the trainings. (more…)

Suppressing and Punishing Torture in Serbia – From Adopting Legal Standards to Improving Practice

December 22, 2009
delegacija eu u srbiji   osi_logo

This project supported by Delagation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia (EIDHR) and /Open Society Institute

Donor: European Union, Open Society Institute, Budapest 
Duration of project: May 2009 – October 2012 

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights from 2009 to 2012 implemented a project entitled “Suppressing  and Punishing Torture – From Adopting Legal Standards to Improving Practice”, which aimed to improve the legislation and practice of the state authorities with respect to the prevention and punishment of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  (more…)

Fostering Civil Society and Involvement in Police Reform Process

December 21, 2009

Donor: Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – Belgrade Office 

Duration of project: March 2009 – April 2011

Since March 2009, the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, in cooperation with Centre for Civil-Military Relations and Forum for Security and Democracy, has started project named “Fostering Civil Society Involvement in Police Reform”. The BCHR’s research will be focused on legal framework in the field of police work and its harmonization with the standards achieved in the member states of the EU. The newsletter “Internal Affairs – EU & Serbia” is a result of joint activities of the BCHR, CCMR and FSD and will be published monthly, in Serbian (starting from March 2009), and quarterly, in English language (starting from June 2009).   (more…)

Human Rights as the Means of Involving Young People in Community Affairs

Donor: Olof Palmes International Centrum

Duration of project: January 2009 – December 2009

This project consists of two modules. Module I was conducted from January until July 2009 and the goal was to provide specific education to high school students in three towns in Serbia, Uzice, Sabac and Kovacica. This Module included 150 young people, age 16 – 19 that have received training in human rights, environmental issues and involvement in the decision making process in their local communities. The result of this part of Module I was creation and implementation of local campaigns on environmental issues by students who have attended the trainings. (more…)