Serbia from Transit to Destination Country

March 17, 2015

DonorEmbassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Belgrade and Dutch Refugee Council Netherlands

Duration: From November 2014 – April 2016

This project sought to improve the asylum system in Serbia by raising awareness about the importance of asylum and migration issues and to set these topics in the context of European integration and regional cooperation – one of Serbia’s political priorities. To further the project’s aims, a study visit of BCHR’s lawyers to the Netherlands was organised by the Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR), two trainings for Serbian, Macedonian and Croatian CSOs were conducted by DCR experts, and a Regional Expert Conference was organised. (more…)

Courts as Policy-Makers – Examining the Role of Constitutional Courts as Agents of Change in the Western Balkans

February 24, 2015

Donor: Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP)

Project: August 2014 – October 2015

This research project investigated the contribution of constitutional courts to democratic transition and consolidation in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, and focused on examining the capacity, positioning, legitimacy and overall performance of constitutional courts in resolving important political and social issues in four transitional countries of the Western Balkans. The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights implemented this project with Center for Social Research Analitika from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Group for Legal and Political Studies in Kosovo and the CRPM – Center for Research and Policy Making in Macedonia. (more…)

Networking and Capacity Building for More Effective Migration Policy in Serbia – 3rd year

January 23, 2015

Donor: Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Duration: December 2014 – December 2015

This was the third year of the implementation of this project by the partnership between Group 484 (the lead organisation), the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, and the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy. This project continued to work to provide hands-on policy outputs for the most pressing issues in the areas of asylum and migration. The project specifically aimed to reach consensus on necessary legislative changes based on the Draft Law on Asylum proposed by CSOs in 2014. (more…)

Implementation of the National Anti-corruption Strategy in the Republic of Serbia forthe Period 2013 – 2018 and the Action Plan – Alternative Report for 2013 and 2014

December 23, 2014

Donor: Anti-corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia, with the funds provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade

Duration: September 2014 – January 2015

Overall project objective: To assess whether the implementation of activities envisaged in the Action Plan is actually in accordance with the purpose for which they were adopted – that is to assess the compliance of implementation with the spirit and the purpose of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.

Out of the box

August 25, 2014

Donator: Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Duration: December 2013 – February 2015

Partners: Belgrade centre for Human Rights, Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM), ApsArt Centre, Media centre Beta (MBC) 

The project ‘Out of the Box’ provided young people from different parts of Serbia with an opportunity to connect and learn through friendship, joint projects, and exchanges of ideas and visions. The Offices for Youth, and their coordinators and assistants are an important and unique partner for the promotion of youth policy and youth living in Serbia. (more…)

Active Youth for Active Minority Councils

Donor: Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia

Duration: May 2014- May 2015

Partners: Urban-In and Belgrade Centre for Human Rights

The overall objective of this project is to contribute increasing youth participation and influence in the decision making process and work of National Minority Councils to ensure better fulfilment of minority rights. The common problem for all the Minority Councils is low level of youth participation in work and promotion of Councils importance for integration in Serbian society. (more…)