Save the constitutional guarantee of protection of citizens’ privacy

October 23, 2018

More than 30 civil society organizations supported the text of the amendment to Article 40 of the Personal Data Protection Law and called on the deputies to support an amendment that stipulates that citizens’ rights to the protection of personal data can be limited solely on the basis of the law. If the disputed article of the law is adopted in the present form, there is a danger that authorities or private companies handling personal data may restrict citizens’ rights without explicit legal authority and at their own discretion.

Complete announcement in Serbian, with the proposed amendment can be found HERE.


Cevdet Ayaz

December 26, 2017

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The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR) hereby informs the public that late last night, on 25 December 2017, the Serbian authorities extradited Kurdish political activist Cevdet Ayaz to his country of origin, Turkey, where he faces the risk of persecution because of his political opinions. Mr. Ayaz, who faces a 15-year-long prison sentence handed down pursuant to a judgment based on a confession he had apparently given under torture, was returned pursuant to an extradition request the Turkish authorities had sent their Serbian counterparts. (more…)

Press Release on Public Debate on Amendments to Constitutional Provisions on the Judiciary

September 6, 2017

OrganizacijeCivic associations with years-long experience in law and the judiciary hereby express concern about the way in which the expert and general public is engaged in the constitutional amendment procedure. In our opinion, the representatives of the Government and Justice Ministry need to open a public debate on constitutional amendments without delay, in which they will involve not only select civic associations (which had submitted their written suggestions on constitutional amendments), but other associations, institutions and most importantly – the citizens – as well. (more…)