KAFANA FORUM – An Interactive Platform for the Important Stories of the Youth!

July 8, 2019

KAFANA FORUM– An Interactive Platform for the Important Stories of the Youth!


What does nation mean to you? What do you know about extremism? Do you have a particular story you want to share? 

Kafana Forum gives you an opportunity, as a young person, to express what you think, feel, what you are going through, what your doubts are, and what you are sure of!

Kafana Forum is an interactive platform for addressing topics such as identity, nation, nationalism, prejudice, stereotypes, social distance, as well as tolerance, equality, reconciliation and conflict.

The platform aimsto collect authentic stories, comments, worldviews and dilemmas that will more or less be used in creating a theatre play dealing with these topics, and played by youth from Serbia.



The word kafana – tavern – comes from the Turkish word kahvehane, which has been adopted from Arabic and Persian: quahve meaning coffee, and khane meaning a house.

Our Kafana Forum does not emphasize the tavern itself as a lifestyle but uses the concept as an inspiration for connecting, exchange, talk and unity.

Kafana Forum is the melting pot of stories, experiences and reflections, a place where a group of people is gathering and exchanging something important for the community.

Kafana Forum is the online space where we can talk!

Twice a month, Kafana Forum will be initiating exciting topics and choosing you to participate in the discussion. Leave a comment, tell us what you think! Be a part of the play yet to be created!

We are seven days away from the first question and the first discussion topic. The countdown is on, get your keyboards ready!

In memoriam Prof. Dr. Lidija Basta Fleiner

July 2, 2019

We have lost our dear Lidija, a member of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights Council, a true and loyal friend. She lectured at the University in Fribourg, Switzerland, for a long time and led the Institute for Federalism. She cooperated with the Belgrade Centre on several joint projects and headed the expert group drafting the new Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and reorganising the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro (2000-2001). Lidija was also active in the Council of Europe for years and chaired the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities.

Although Lidija had lived abroad for years, she never lost touch with the BCHR and often visited us, always keen to help us and cheer us up. She was a friend one must never lose, a friend forever.  

We will always remember this sanguine, sophisticated and noble woman. She was an outstanding lawyer and humanist, a champion of justice and respect for human rights. She always found the time to hear everyone out, to advise us and to instil hope whenever we lost it due to unfortunate circumstances. 

Event: Culture Travels on Foot /21/6/4 PM/Dorćol Platz

June 17, 2019


How is a culture born, and how does it develop?

How do we acquire cultural patterns – does it happen spontaneously, or is it forced upon us?

Is it possible to divide cultures by their nationalities, or can they go beyond borders and then become parts of regional or global cultures?

Is it even possible to mark borders on one culture– or does it walk freely nevertheless?

By asking these questions, we celebrate the World Refugee Day, and invite all of you to join us at the afternoon gathering in the Dorćol Platz yard, from 4 to 7 PM, with the leitmotiv:

English: Culture Travels on Foot
Serbian: Kultura se prenosi peške
Arabic: تنتقلالثقافةبخطى
Farsi: فرهنگراباراهرفتنانتقالمیدهند

culture travels on foot

Before you join us at the event, here’s something to think about: how many local songs are actually originally from your country? Maybe you have had the chance to hear them in a different language as well? What does it mean?

We would like to believe that culture goes beyond borders; it starts and paves its way spontaneously, on its own, by word of mouth and through people’s footsteps, and is being exchanged this way.

This precise travel of culture is what we want to celebrate by getting together, along with nibbles, singing, dancing and socializing! We will be munching on delicious food, listen to the music that makes us move, participate in a music workshop about songs that cross barriers easily, and spend the afternoon in getting to know the similarities of different cultures.

You will have the chance to experience the following activities:

  • Two maps waiting for you to draw in your own path – both the physical and the spiritual
  • Open intercultural workshop on songs that are also migrants in their own way
  • Chill guitar sounds and music that moves
  • Dreams
  • New friends, new languages and new cultures you can explore

How does it all fit in one day?

This is the program:

4:00 │Opening ceremony

4:15 │Filling out the maps, socializing with drinks, food, and the sounds of the guitar

4:45 │Open intercultural workshop – presenting songs that have made their ways, on

             foot, to different cultures

6:00 │Viewing of the animated movie «Fairytale»

7:00 │Farewell

See you in Dorćol Platz on Friday!

Vidimo se!

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Republic of Serbia should immediately provide a system of protection for unaccompanied or separated refugee and migrant children

June 11, 2019

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights wants to draw the attention of the public to the fact that the existing system of protection of unaccompanied or separated refugee and migrant children is characterized by numerous systemic issues that need to be addressed without delay. In 2017, the Committee on the Rights of the Child stressed that the Republic of Serbia should urgently ensure the full inclusion of unaccompanied or separated children in the existing child protection system, provide accommodation in foster families or other accommodation facilities adequate for their age, gender and needs, in line with best interest assessments conducted on an individual basis. Placing children in separate centres that are provide safe growing environment and are adequate for their needs represent the minimum requirement to reduce the risks of child exposure to persons who might exploit their vulnerability. In light of the Committee’s recommendations to the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to undertake urgent measures necessary to protect unaccompanied or separated children from smuggling rings.

The latest case of tragically murdered child illustrates that the current state of affairs does not contribute to the reduction of risks to which unaccompanied or separated children are exposed daily. In addition, we are witnessing the several years long practice of all countries on the so-called Balkan mixed-migration route resorting to violence and collective expulsion of refugees and migrants to neighbouring countries. Such situation further creates the lack of trust of unaccompanied or separated migrant and refugee children in existing protection systems.

This case should be observed primarily from the perspective of the rights of the child who escaped the horrors of war, who has been neglected for years and left on his own. The tragically perished child was a victim of arbitrary deprivation of liberty in the Republic of Serbia in January this year. After the Croatian border police returned him to the territory of the Republic of Serbia, his identity and age were wrongly listed in the police and court records. The misdemeanour procedure was initiated and concluded before the Misdemeanour Court in Bačka Palanka in the course of the same day and without the engagement of an interpreter. Moreover, the acting judge stated in the judgement that the child waived the right to appeal, subsequently leading to a decision replacing the fine with a ten-day long imprisonment.

The case also indicated that the security in the asylum centres is not at a satisfactory level, that children are almost completely unprotected from the contact with smugglers and that this tragic case should be a serious warning to the competent authorities in the Republic of Serbia to establish a special child-friendly accommodation capacities that could fully meet the needs of unaccompanied or separated migrant and refugee children.

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights expresses hope that this tragic case will urge the Republic of Serbia to undertake all measures without delay with the aim of reducing the risks of repetition of such incidents. A shift in this regard can only be achieved through coordinated actions and cooperation between the Ministry of Interior, the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration and the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs.


May 8, 2019

We, the undersigned,

Recalling that all Serbian authorities are under the obligation to respect the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia,[1]  the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,[2] the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,[3] the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment[4] and other ratified international treaties, as well as rules of international customary law prohibiting torture and inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment in all circumstances. (more…)

Announcement – Human Rights Day

December 11, 2018

Exactly seventy years ago, on 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration, adopted in response to the atrocities of World War Two, is the first document defining human rights as inviolable and as belonging to all people, regardless of who they are and where they live. Although it is not legally binding, it is the cornerstone of the history of human rights and the development of the international human rights system. (more…)