Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Recommends Measures for Ensuring Equality to Internet Portals in Serbia

November 14, 2018

Based on the complaints filed by the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued a recommendation of measures for ensuring equality to Internet portals in Serbia, notably to prevent the publication of content and user comments on portals and social media profiles and eliminate the ones already published that might incite hate or violence against individuals or groups of individuals because of their personal characteristics or create a hostile, degrading or offensive environment.  

The recommendation is available at:

The BCHR filed the complaints within the project “Anonymous Hate”, aimed at raising awareness among experts and the general public on the incidence of hate speech as a form of discrimination on online news portals and social networks and suggesting ways to advance the existing mechanisms for determining liability for hate speech and improve the penal policy.

The project “Anonymous Hate” is implemented in partnership with the New Media Centre LIBER, with the support of the Open Society Foundation.