Seminars for Youth
In the year 2004 the Centre started a series of seminars for high-school students so that the ideas of respecting human rights and European integration would reach the schools, that a dialogue about the values worth pledging for is developed with the young generation and with the urge to help them understand the goals that are to be reached and reforms necessary for further democratization of the society in Serbia better. All high-school student programmes include a part with lectures and workshops about the chosen subjects and the competitive part in which the students are expected to apply the gained knowledge. Since than the Centre has organised over 100 two-day seminars in high-schools. Seminars were held in all parts of Serbia and were attended by more than 2500 high-school students. More…
Alongside the seminar programmes, the Centre designed special reference materials on human rights and EU integrations adapted to youth. The Centre produced three training manuals Pridružimo se (Let’s join in), Religije sveta – budizam, hrišćanstvo, islam (World religions- Buddhism, Christianity, Islam), Ne smetajte, uživam u svojim pravima i slobodama (Do not disturb, I am enjoying my rights and freedoms).
On the web page of the Centre one can also find the section entitled – EU in 800 words, describing in a brief and simple manner history and the structure of EU. The Centre has also published three editions of manual U pravu si! (You Are Right!) that was widely distributed to high-school students.
During 2010 the Belgrade Centre will be implementing two projects for youth Human Rights as the End and the Means of Involving Young People in Community Affairs and Join in.