The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights has coordinated the establishment of the Platform of Organisations Monitoring the Fulfilment of Recommendations Issued by UN Human Rights Bodies (hereinafter: Platform). The Platform was founded by civil society organisations with ample experience in reporting to UN human rights mechanisms and monitoring the fulfilment of their recommendations, which have recognised the need for and relevance of continuous the evidence-based reporting process, monitoring the implementation of the recommendations these mechanisms have been issuing Serbia and interaction with Serbian Government bodies for monitoring the implementation of UN human rights recommendations. The Platform’s activities are guided by the CSOs’ recognition of their joint interest in systematically engaging in interaction with UN human rights mechanisms.
The Platform was established by and comprises the following organisations: Astra; Atina; A11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Centre for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia; Centre for the Rights of the Child; FemPlatz; Group 484; Mental Disability Rights Initiative – Serbia; Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM; International Aid Network I.A.N.; Network of Organisations for Children MODS; National Organisation of Persons with Disabilities; SOS Network Vojvodina and the Standing Conference of Roma Civic Associations.