
Human Rights for the Future

Donor: Olof Palmes Internationella Centrum
Duration of the project: January – December 2007

The idea for the activities of the project Human Rights for the Future originated from a group of alumni of the Human Rights School 2006. The goal of the project was to increase knowledge about human rights and debating among secondary school students, young professionals and students, through training, practice and thus invest in future development and strengthening of human rights education and practice in Serbia. (more…)

Monitoring and Reporting on the Ativities of Judicial Institutions in Serbia in the Fields of Organized Crime, War Crimes, Discrimination and Domestic Violence

Donor: anadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Duration of the project: November 2006 – March 2008

The main goal of the project was to contribute to the capacity of the civil society organizations and legal expertise in Serbia through strengthening human rights advocacy initiatives, increasing interest in human rights protection before the courts and preventing human rights violations and abuses resulting from the implementation of the rule of law in the judicial system in Serbia. (more…)

Guardians of Rights

Donor: Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Duration of the project: November 2006 – June 2007

This project had regional impact thanks to the fact that it was implemented trough Balkan Human Rights Network (BHRN). First phase of the project included activities such as: (more…)

Translating and Publishing the book: Philip Leach: Taking a Case to the European Court of Human Rights, (second edition)

Donor: Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Duration of the project: October 2006 – August 2007

Translation of the Philip Leach book was important because this is one of the most useable guardians for the professionals who are complaining to the European Court for Human Rights. The effort was made to get low price for the royalties to translate the book. This was respond to the urgent need for the lawyers and public in Serbia for a richer choice of literature on human rights. The book was published in 800 copies.


Awareness and Attitudes towards the National War Crimes Judiciary, ICTY and War Crimes on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia 1992-1999

Donor: Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Duration of the project: October 2006 – May 2007

The aim of the project was to determine public attitudes of the citizens in Serbia in order to define the best strategies for the outreach activities of the NGO’s, national war crimes judiciary and international organizations in these areas of work, to examine the potential obstacles and the percentage of the citizens unwilling to accept the truth and trace the potential for changing attitudes. Project activities during the reporting period included assessment of relevant developments in the area of war crimes trials (the ICTY and domestic prosecutions), political situation in respect to the coming elections and risks and assumptions which may have consequences to the awareness and attitudes of citizens in Serbia in the area of war crimes trials and its impact on the general public. (more…)

Login EU (Second phase)

Royal Danish Embassy in Belgrade, Royal Netherlands Embassy in Belgrade and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade
Duration of the project: January – October 2006

The project Login EU started in 2005 and because of its importance the same project was conducted in 2006. The aim was to contribute to the accepting the European Union values and understanding the European integration process among high school students; to enhance their knowledge of the EU, its history, institutions, values, law, culture, economic, political and educational cooperation, etc. The project lasted twelve months. It consisted of the production of the relevant educational materials and then organisation of seminars and workshops. The seminars were held in Kovačica, Titel, Ruma, Veliko Gradište, Šabac, Vrnjačka banja, Preševo, Dimitrovgrad, Vladičin han and Smederevo. Each seminar lasted for two days and was attended by 30-40 students. The lectures were not classical ex cathedra lectures because the lecturers were placing a lot of efforts to make interactive lectures, involving and encouraging the students into discussions, applying modern methods of teaching – power point presentations, films, moot courts sessions, crossword puzzles, etc. (more…)