Donor: European Commission, Brussels
Duration of the project: January 2006 – December 2009
Croatian Law Centre (HPC) was main administrator of this project. The project is aimed to the strengthening the protection in Croatia and region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro) by developing an asylum system consistent with international standards. Target groups were: asylum seekers, actors involved in the asylum issues, young people and NGOs in target countries. Main activities were focused on the drafting, implementation and ensuring the effectiveness of national legislations (monitoring of the implementation of law, amendments submitted, free legal aid provided, actors involved in asylum issues educated, border monitoring mechanism proposed), on regional cooperation (regional network of non-governmental organizations developed and regional dialogue and exchange of knowledge and experiences in asylum issues established), and on elimination of prejudice and stereotypes with respect to asylum-seekers (journalists educated, youth sensitised, information campaigns carried out). (more…)