
Towards Full Implementation of the Serbian FOIA

Donor: American Bar Association (ABA-CELLI)
Duration of the project: June 2006 – March 2007

Thanks to the support of the Open Society Fond in Belgrade in 2004 the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights become one of the members of the Coalition of the Nongovernmental Organizations for Free Access to Information in Serbia (other members are Centre for Antiwar Action, Centre for Advancement of Legal Studies, Civic Initiatives, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and Transparency International Serbia). (more…)

Publishing Booklet “Ne smetajte uživam u svojim pravima i slobodama”

Donor: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Belgrade
Duration of the project: September 2006 – January 2007

The main result of the project is the production of the human rights booklet entirely adapted to the needs, knowledge and understanding of secondary schools students. The booklet offered to the students basic knowledge and understanding about human rights, their implementation and system of protection, thus contributing to the understanding and accepting of the universal values and tolerance. It certainly enhanced their knowledge of and motivation for the understanding of universal values, legal systems and international organizations. The booklet contributes to the elimination of prejudice, xenophobia, ethnic nationalism and stereotypes that are spread widely among the young generation. (more…)

Retraining Lawyers in Transition Countries of Southeast Europe

Donor: Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) 
Duration of the project: June 2006 – May 2007

This project has started in 2002 and continued in 2006. The aim of the project is to retrain members of legal profession responsible for protection and the implementation of human rights (i.e. legal professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia, government officials involved in the reform of judiciary in the countries of the former Yugoslavia and the human rights NGOs activists). (more…)

Printing of the Book by Gerry Simpson „Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order“

Donor: British Embassy in Belgrade
Duration of the project: June 2006 – December 2006

The overall purpose of the project was to counter the view of the international community in Serbian society which is based on many misconceptions which border on the irrational. By publishing and disseminating Prof. Simpson’s book, the Belgrade Centre was aiming at contributing to creating a more reasonable and theoretically informed view of the international community and Serbia’s position. (more…)

Human Security in the Western Balkan Region: the Impact of Transnational Terrorist and Criminal Organisations on the Peace-Building Process of the Region (HUMSEC)

Donor: Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission, Brussels
Duration of the project: May 2006 – April 2009

The main purpose of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of the link between transnational terrorist groups and criminal organizations in the Western Balkans and their role in the peace-building process in the region. The project helped to create a network of European researchers with the aim: to map and integrate European research capacities on the impact of transnational terrorist groups and criminal organizations on the peace-building process in the Western Balkan region; to develop a shared methodology of collecting facts and figures; to promote an interdisciplinary scientific dialog among experts in the field of terrorism, criminology, security studies, peace and conflict studies and human rights; to exchange experiences as well as different proposals for legal and institutional reforms and to coordinate and publicize the results of research in courses held with young professionals and representatives of the civil society and among policy-makers. (more…)

Protection of Asylum Seekers in the Republic of Croatia and Region

Donor: European Commission, Brussels
Duration of the project: January 2006 – December 2009

Croatian Law Centre (HPC) was main administrator of this project. The project is aimed to the strengthening the protection in Croatia and region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro) by developing an asylum system consistent with international standards. Target groups were: asylum seekers, actors involved in the asylum issues, young people and NGOs in target countries. Main activities were focused on the drafting, implementation and ensuring the effectiveness of national legislations (monitoring of the implementation of law, amendments submitted, free legal aid provided, actors involved in asylum issues educated, border monitoring mechanism proposed), on regional cooperation (regional network of non-governmental organizations developed and regional dialogue and exchange of knowledge and experiences in asylum issues established), and on elimination of prejudice and stereotypes with respect to asylum-seekers (journalists educated, youth sensitised, information campaigns carried out). (more…)