
Strengthening human rights education among young professionals and students in the country through trainings and practice

Donor: Olof Palme Center
Duration of project: January – December 2005

Belgrade Centre for Human Rights organised the following activities: the annual Training for Trainers Human Rights School in Belgrade in October 2005; five training seminars for participants of the Schools of Human Rights for Future Lecturers from previous years (25-27 April, 28-30 April, 6-8 May, 9-11 May and 16-18 May, respectively); publishing of the 204-paged Collection – New Wave, a collection of the best papers by the alumni of the Training for Trainers School of Human Rights. (more…)

Human Rights Workshops in the High schools in Serbia

Donor: French Catholic Committee Against Hunger and for Development – CCFD
Duration of the project: January – December 2005

The target group of the project was secondary school students in Serbia who are studying French in their schools. The project encompassed around 100 secondary school students and approximately 10 professors of French language and civic education, as direct beneficiaries. After four seminars, the specific goals of the project have been successfully met: Increased human rights education awareness in secondary schools and enhanced interest of young people in human rights, introduction has been made through a proactive role of the students to human rights issues, atmosphere of tolerance and teamwork through project activities has been created and dissemination of knowledge about human rights and Serbian students were provided with immediate experience of encounters with representatives of foreign countries and thus overcome the effects of the international isolation to which Serbia was exposed in the 1990’s. (more…)

Human Rights in Serbia – 2004

Donor: Open Society Fund

Duration of the project: January – December 2004

The analysis focused on establishing the extent to which the local legislation is in conformity with the standards in the most important universal international treaties adopted by the United Nations and ratified by Serbia and Montenegro. Having in mind that our country joined the Council of Europe in 2003, accepted the obligation to conform its legislation to the European Convention on Human Rights and ratify the Convention one year upon accession Report also assessed the degree in which national legislation has been conformed to European standards. (more…)

Human Rights of Old Persons

Donor: FRESTA – Neighbourhood Programme of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Duration of the project: November 2004 – March 2005

This was the activity done in cooperation with Croatian Helsinki Committee in Zagreb and Human Rights Centre from Sarajevo. The project is conceived as a multi-dimensional and it includes a number of activities indicating the unfavourable material position and life of older persons. The project offers analytical and statistical data analysis on the number of elderly persons, i.e. old persons’ households, their structure, economic position and other issues in the states in the region (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia). (more…)

Training on UN Special Procedures and Affirmative Action Measures in International Law

Donor: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Duration of the project: October 2004

Program of the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights seminar on UN Special procedures and affirmative action measures in International Law was focused on Conventional Mechanisms – Special Procedures (1205 and 1503 procedures); Country Thematic, Special and Expert Rapporteurs; Membership and mandate; Working group procedures with special emphasise to Working Group on Communications Lecturers were domestic and foreign experts among which  Clara – Lucia Sandoval Villalba Lecturer, Deputy Director of LLM in International Human Rights Law,  University of Essex, United Kingdom, Kathryn Ramsay, Minority Rights Group, United Kingdom , Oliver Schmidt-Gutzat, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Liaison Office, Prof. Geoffrey Gilbert, University of Essex, United Kingdom.

Promotion of European Court for Human Rights

Donor: Open Society Fund
Duration of the project: September 2004 – February 2005.

This was joint project of BCHR and Valjevo Committee for Human Rights trough which two organisatoions put their efforts to reach general and expert public in Western Serbia and to promote the work of the European Court for Human Rights. This issue was addressed on seminars for judges, prosecutors and lawyers from Western Serbia. Main topic was rules and procedures for human rights protection in front of the ECtHR. Three one day seminars and one two day seminar were organised. Also one seminar for journalists from that region was organised on international standards and rules for human rights protection. (more…)