
Retraining Lawyers in Transition Countries of Southeast Europe

Donor: Norwegian People’s Aid

Duration of the project: January – December 2004       

This project started as a regional project in 2002 and until 2004 was implemented by Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Human Rights Centre of the University in Sarajevo, Croatian Helsinki Committee in Zagreb and Human Rights Action in Podgorica. (more…)

Training Lawyers in International Individual Complaints Procedures and Shadow Reporting Mechanisms

Donor: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Duration of the project: February 2004

This training was organized with the purpose to educate lawyers, NGO activists and general public about the possibilities to complain to the UN bodies in the cases of the violation of human rights. The Belgrade Centre find out that not so many lawyers are aware of these mechanisms in the UN human rights protection system. Program was focused on: International protection of human rights, UN procedures for the protection of human rights, prohibition of discrimination under UN system, decisions on discrimination by treaty bodies, jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee and how to submit a case to the CERD, HRC and CAT. (more…)

International Law for Judges and Legal Practitioners in Serbia

Donor: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and UK Department for International Development (DIFID)  
Duration of the project: January 2004 – June 2005

Introduction of the modern international law to the legal practitioners in Serbia through the publication of the Manuel (Textbook) and seminars for the target group was one of the major objectives of the project. Also, objective of the project was to influence legal practitioners and members of the judiciary to understand modern international law, its tendencies and development so they can implement it in their work and to apply international law in the legal practice of Serbia. Dissemination of the idea and contents of modern international law through the Manuel and its influence in the sense of modernizing and updating the knowledge and practice of the members of legal profession was additional objective.  (more…)

Training Yugoslav Lawyers to Appear before the European Court of Human Rights (Second Phase)

Donor: Council of Europe
Duration of the project: January – December 2004

The objective of the project was to train a number of lawyers helping them to initiate and conduct proceedings for the protection of the rights of SaM citizens before national and international courts, in particular the ECtHR. The idea was to raise the professional legal skills of lawyers in the area of human rights litigation, to equip them with the necessary knowledge of international protection of human rights, to train lawyers in applying to the ECHR at domestic level by the purpose to have less cases in front of the European Court in the future. (more…)

School for Future Lecturers on Human Rights (Training for Trainers) – (Rising Consciousness and Knowledge about Human Rights in Responsible and Influential Social Groups – Seminars for Parliamentarians and Journalists)

Donor: Olof Palmes Internationella Centrum
Duration of the project: January – December 2004

Training for Trainers – the Human Rights School for the Future Lecturers

The main goal of the Training for Trainers – School for Human Rights was to improve the awareness rising with regard to the rule of law and human rights among young people in Serbia and Montenegro. This was achieved by targeting the specific group of young people who could spread the received knowledge in the future by delivering lectures themselves or by raising the rule of law issues in the ordinary course of their work. After selection procedure was completed 20 participants were selected (10 from Belgrade, 10 from other parts of Serbia). Most of the participants were students of law, political and social sciences, but also post-graduate students and NGO activists. (more…)

Taking Cases to the European Court of Human Rights

Donor: Norwegian Refugee Council
Duration of project: December 2003

The Belgrade Centre for Human Rights organised a four-day long seminar at Hotel Majestic to introduce the practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to a select group of project coordinators and legal advisors of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The goal of the seminar was to give participants the practical knowledge to bring relevant cases before the ECHR. Norwegian Refugee Council selected 20 participants (9 from Belgrade, 11 from outside Belgrade). The seminar was comprised of a combination of lectures, case studies, and moot court sessions. Program lecturers included experts from nongovernmental and governmental institutions, foreign experts, and lecturers from the Belgrade Centre.