Stop corruption that threatens decent work

August 30, 2013

Donor: Delegation of the EU to Serbia

Duration: January 2013 – March 2014

eu zastavaCentre for Democracy Foundation, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Initiative for local development Kraljevo are implementing project with a goal to contribute to strengthening of the rule of law and to fight corruption in the domain of socio-economic rights and decent work through fostering CSOs more active participation.During the implementation partners will be focused on enhancing cooperation between CSOs and national/local institutions, independent bodies for combating corruption and foster decent work agenda at all levels; CSOs will have opportunity to  strengthen their capacities in addressing, monitoring and advocating for implementation of socio-economic rights at local level and in developing anti-corruptive culture; Project will generate public support for development of anti-corruption culture relevant for more efficient fulfilment of decent work at national level and in local communities.

Expected results:

-Problems generating weak rule of law and corruption identified and policy recommendations formulated, presented and advocated before the national/local authorities;

– CSOs at local level trained for monitoring and advocating implementation of laws and policies, and are involved in debating/initiating policies that improve efficiency of state agencies at local level and local authorities

– Local institutions and citizens representatives individually encouraged to provide the rule of law through development of anti-corruption measures relevant for decent work and related corruption risks/mechanisms.

– Improved networking of CSOs at local/district level

– Public support for decent work agenda and development of relevant anti-corruption culture in local communities is generated and/or improved through wide campaign on national and local level using the variety of communication channels and tools.

bilten korupcija





Booklet is available in Serbian here.